Our Community

Imagine you are part of an international fast-growing Community for one of the most exciting, latest and super innovative funsport in the Universe, paired with a lot of fun and great people with the same passion and mindset for Lifestyle, as you have.

A community which is dedicated to the high-end products from Audi Aerofoils.

As a member, you will get exclusive access to an international network which provides you with everything you need to run and grow your business, like marketing, advertisement for your spot, social media presence, well placed spot listing to scale up your market presence and generate new customers.

You will automatically participate from the growth of the Community and their partners, as well as from all their activities, like fairs, sponsoring, videos, influencers, VIPs and events.

In a few minutes you will know more details regarding the different topics and why it might be interesting to you to become part of it.

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Network platform

You will automatically take advantage from the global and high popularity of both brands (Aerofoil I Audi and World Of Efoil), furthermore you will anticipate (as we say, you will "Foil" High) from the upcoming growth of both global brands and their other activities 

- Fairs, events, international spots

- New products, merchandise

- Network, partnerships, collaboration with   influencers, social media, advertisement

We know that the overall market for efoiling will grow in the next years and new products will be launched in 2024, therefore this is an opportunity you don´t want to miss. 

Your Spots

As a Premium Member of the community "World Of Efoil" your location and Business will be listed at:

- the Aerofoils I Audi Website www.aerofoils.de

- our Community Website www.WorldOfEfoil.com 

With this in mind, and the presence on social media, it is almost impossible to miss your spot and your business. 

It is not only that the people will find your favorite spots on those sites, but also that whenever somebody is looking for the terrific spots or locations to ride, they will find you on the easiest and fastest way.